
Being a new resident at Pottles Court

Being a new resident at Pottles Court

We’ve had several important great awareness events of late – all overlapping it seems – Dementia Action Week, Mental Health Awareness Week and Dying Matters Week soon to be followed by Diabetes Awareness Week and several others in the coming weeks – last year we posted some views on dementia being at the heart of the philosophy and ethos we promote at Pottles – worth having another look – see archive link for May 18th 2017.

This year we adapted material provided by the Alzheimer’s Society to hold a Dementia Challenge Quiz in both Pottles and our sister home Summercourt in Teignmouth – we had 5 categories Prince Charles, Marilyn Monroe, Dad’s Army, Twiggy and Oscar Wilde – and much fun had by all – we are encouraging donations to the society too whose work we applaud loudly.

In recent months we have welcomed 3 new residents to the Pottles family – Mags, Dot and most recently 100 year old Joshua see below on arrival day looking dapper and cheery making an immediate impact – as we know as said by Everatt Rogers “you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression” and he certainly made a strong and positive one with us from day 1. The picture below includes June checking our chickens, Barbara lifting the Pottles Cup after a clear win as Israel in this years Eurovision, with Dot and Elizabeth getting their hands on the cup too in recent times after our Bing Crosby day quiz and Chelsea’s FA cup win too – its all going on at Pottles !!

Our Residents & Guests meeting on the 22nd May included lots of the usual themes but very much headlined on 2 things – firstly our very determined view being taken that fitness, muscle strength, mobility preserved as long as possible has a huge impact on our vitality and confidence – Terry spontaneously leapt to his feet to touch his toes mid discussion at the meeting – see below.

Jie Lu, our Deputy Manager (and qualified nurse), along with Lorraine, our ‘goings on’ lead with help from director George and backing from our local Academic Health Network are redoubling our ‘be a bit more active than yesterday’ project – so get in touch if you want to know more

The second main item at our meeting was the celebrations held to mark the recent Royal events – new baby Louis, the Queens 92nd birthday (with another fuss we’ll be making on the 11th June) but most rapturously celebrated was the royal wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle – great stuff and lots of pomp and ceremony at Pottles too

Another of our agenda items was about confectionery ! – we asked the question ‘has anyone ever eaten a Walnut Whip’ – prompted by the excellent book we’ve been re reading “Dear Dementia” by Ian Donaghy – see the picture that inspired the question and debate below. This has led to a plan for a ‘WALNUT WHIP ROUND’ – we have a big selection ready to try out – fully risk assessed with a suitable alternative to those not too keen (or diabetic) of course.

We’ve titled this news update – ‘being a new resident’ reflecting the work we’ve been doing following our new arrivals (not admissions or placements as new folk moving into a care home are often called). We have some views on this drawn from the numerous discussions we’ve had with residents and loved ones – it’s still work in progress – so if you have views on us doing even better on this do get in touch – we have an immediate care plan we use that captures the things to get right from the first moment – Everatt Rogers cited here already. final mentions:

  1. 14th June is our Cup Cake Day – raising money for Macmillan Cancer Charity
  2. World Cup Sweepstake – come on England in Russia
  3. Wimbledon Tennis Sweepstake – Come on Andy Fortnight – or might it be Come on Kyle?
  4. Our Beatles Day is on Paul McCartney’s birthday this year – love me do and twist and shout a lot that day – 18th June – doing a round of our favourite Beatles songs.

That’s all for now – KEEP IN TOUCH and we are still seeking old kitchen appliances for our ‘kitchen to call my own’ project – we can collect anything that dates from the 50’s 60s and 70’s used in kitchens of old

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At Pottles Court we believe that good care home life offers the option of social time and private time, and lets others help with health care like taking medication every day and those daily jobs that sometimes can feel like burdens.

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