Since our last posting in early February the world quite literally has changed beyond recognition. We are on red alert about a type of flu that we have not seen for over 100 years. A third of the world’s population is in some form of so called ‘lockdown’ a term we don’t like but are getting used to now. Many of our folk living at Pottles will have some recollection of the way spirits were kept up during wartime – though we don’t actually have real fires at Pottles we are very definitely determined to ‘keep the home fires burning’ (we have just invested in a simulated flickering flame centre piece for the lounge however!). We are being so careful following the expert guidance issued by the scientists and clinical leads at the highest level – this includes the view that this virus does not like heat – so with the weather warming up and lots of hot drinks for everyone we are doing our best to keep well and stay positive. Sadly we have had to seriously restrict any visits from families and have cancelled our regular Residents and Guests meeting until we get the all clear – hopefully soon. Maintaining normal services and keeping the atmosphere cheerful and chipper remains very important. Mother’s Day on the 22nd March had lots of conversations about our mums – remembering their cooking, singing and whether they wore a hat very often! There were so many bunches of flowers delivered too. We did another highly entertaining round of plastic cup stacking and the much harder playing card stacking too combined with a good deal of sing-alongs aided by Rodgers and Hammerstein classics – a favourite being ‘Oh What a Beautiful Morning’ a rendition of which Dot and Shirley can be seen here chorusing with great gusto. We had to cancel our forestry expert coming to help us with our planting tree project too – but we will definitely have him back soon. We remain positive, calm and very careful about how we keep everyone safe – lots of hand washing, checking and supporting everyone – our staff don’t get rated as Outstanding for not being Outstanding in testing times – until next time – stay safe, follow all guidance and check George’s tweets too @coxongeorge if you can.
At Pottles Court we believe that good care home life offers the option of social time and private time, and lets others help with health care like taking medication every day and those daily jobs that sometimes can feel like burdens.
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